Monday, April 13, 2009

Stevie Nicks hates computers....... !!!

Friends who want to get in touch with Stevie Nicks know not to send an e-mail, call on a cell phone, or reach out by text message, because Stevie Nicks won't respond.
It's not that she's being rude: Stevie Nicks doesn't own a computer or a cell phone. The 60-year-old rock legend, who is currently on tour with Fleetwood Mac, is a proud technophobe.

”I believe that computers have taken over the world. I believe that they have in many ways ruined our children. I believe that kids used to love to go out and play,” Stevie Nicks says.

”I believe that social graces are gone because manners are gone because all people do is sit around and text. I think it's obnoxious.”