Natasha Richardson, who is hospitalized in New York following a Quebec ski accident Monday, comes from an illustrious British acting family -- one whose name she's often found a challenge.
Natasha Richardson comes from a family of well-known British actors, including mother Vanessa Redgrave.
Natasha Richardson, the daughter of Oscar-winning actress Vanessa Redgrave and the late director Tony Richardson ("Look Back in Anger," "Tom Jones"), has said, more than once, that Natasha Richardson found it difficult to live up to the family reputation.
"The names Richardson or Redgrave didn't help," Natasha Richardson told About.com's Rebecca Murray in 2007. "But the last thing you want is to ride any coattails, because you don't want people to be accusing you of nepotism. You want to be able to learn and practice, and not to be thrown into a spotlight before you're ready for it."
Natasha Richardson, 45, was practically born to the stage. Besides her mother and father, several members of Natasha Richardson family are performers: Natasha Richardson grandparents were Sir Michael Redgrave, a famed British actor, and actress Rachel Kempson; uncle Corin Redgrave, aunt Lynn Redgrave and sister Joely Richardson also are noted actors.